Minister Wilkinson is known as your 'Mr. FIX-IT' so I wonder why was he dropped into the Environmental Ministry chair? The Ministry of the Environment and therefore Minister of the Environment Minister Wilkinson were investigated by the Ombudsman of Ontario. This investigation centres on the breach of the Environmental Protection Act and Ontario Regulation #347 by ministry during an investigation ordered by the Environmental Commissioner of Ontario. Most recently at a photo-op at Queen's Park Minister Wilkinson was playing with empty paint cans and old tires. I guess it made a pretty backdrop for a message. Minister Wilkinson is quoted as saying, “We need to work together for a clean environment and leave our kids and our grand kids a greener and healthier future.” I have the evidence after five years of environmental work that proves without any ability of denial that the Ministry of the Environment under the control of the McGuinty government won't even enforce its own legislation. The Ministry of the Environment with Lauren Broten, John Gerretsen and Now John Wilkinson has only one priority; development and money, and not to stand in the way of it. Farewell Minister John Wilkinson It is about time to say farewell to Minister John Wilkinson, soon to be simply John Wilkinson only. I can't say you'll be missed, and you were right it will be a dirtier Ontario because the MGuinty Liberal government is back. As a parting gift one more alarming question to be asked. Heck I know you'll care even less now as you are soon to be a simple 'Joe' not a minister. In your time in office you left us with a grave warning of a “dirtier Ontario,” yet refused to answer any questions. Environmental abuse by the McGuinty government has been extensive under the stewardship of ministers Laurel Broten, John Gerretsen and you John Wilkinson. I expect no less from whoever is dropped into the chair now. The Environmental Protection Act had goals though it seems it is only a set of guidelines, rather like the “pirates code” of Jack Sparrow (Pirates of the Caribbean), then enforceable legislation. Ontario Regulation 153/04 relating to Records of Site Condition – Part XV.I of the Act, did you ever browse through this Minister Wilkinson? Part three of the O. Reg 153/04 deals with Conducting the Site Investigation, with such mundane requirements as collecting, handling and analyzing samples. Now I take you back to a brownfield site here in St. Catharines once again. A site documented to hold serious contaminates and under investigation for a lengthy time. The photographs show a backhoe digging a test pit, also in the photographs are representatives from the environmental testing company AMEC. They were present to collect samples for soil testing and analysis. These tests are not done in the field, on the spot so to speak. After all it is not a movie set and they do not hold little containers of water or white powder. Soil analysis takes time and a laboratory. Yet these photos show not only a digger and the environmental experts taking samples but also a dump truck. As the soil was dug, samples taken, it was loaded into the dump truck to be removed, presumably to landfill, though that's not guaranteed. What paperwork could the driver of been given as the soil samples had only been taken? No analysis available as yet, no report of levels or types of contaminates available as yet. Still it was loaded and dumped. The Environmental Commissioner of Ontario upon receipt of the photos requested an investigation. Local Ministry of the Environment responded that the owner has a right to clean his property, no investigation. EXCUSE ME! The owner is obligated by law to clean his property! There are laws and regulations as to how he cleans his property! These rules and regulations are in place for a reason, but we also know full well that you don't enforce them. Why Minister John Wilkinson? How can the Ministry of the Environment allow such blatant breach of the EPA? This photograph shows the testing staff from the environmental company, backhoe and dump truck. Circled on the photograph you will see the sampling box and vessels used to collect soil samples, the styrofoam box is sealed at the site and samples taken to a laboratory. How is it possible for the soil to be loaded into a dump truck before any test results are available? What was provided to the driver as paperwork when this was dumped at landfill? The Environmental Commissioner of Ontario requested an investigation, Niagara office of the Ministry of the Environment said in a letter that the owner has the right to clean his property! No one has the right to breach the EPA regulations. Ministry of the Environment was fully aware of the breach and did nothing at all about it. What was taken to landfill? Again the sample box is circled on the ground. Stone was brought in and the area that was dug, covered. This area that was dug, sampling taken, and the soil dumped immediately is approximately 100 feet away from the samples of soil and water taken in 2011. You will see the blackness of soil all around the top edge of where the stone has been dropped to cover it. The Niagara Regional Office of the Ministry of the Environment has side stepped legislation over and over again. No penalties enforced which may deter further breaches and supposed investigations that elude all logic or sense. Not one minister has taken any action which in the end has been the policy of the Ontario Liberal government. As environmentalists we fight for the very future facing the greatest obstacle of all. It is not the developer who cares little for the environment or a future, the only concern is the bottom line: profit. Our greatest opponent is the government itself with no desire to enforce its own legislation. And it is not only the provincial government, the federal government has equal priorities in regards to environmental policy. Simply look at the Alberta Oil Sands and the XL Keystone Pipeline. Here is a copy of page 3 of the MOE response to the digging, sampling and dumping. According to the ministry the owner can remediate parts of his property, even after making public statements that "my lands are clean." Also according to the ministry their soil test in 2008 only showed that simply beryllium was found here. So I expect MOE will say the test results of June 2011 were only a figment of someone's imagination, and those environmental consultants were simply testing what was left after the digging, sampling and dumping. How did they miss all that was found in June 2011, or did they? As environmentalists we can not endorse nor join party politics. We are often unpopular open to ridicule by the likes of Ezra Levant and laughed at by an audience such as at the Toronto Empire Club. Even targets of cowards such as the one who left this on my front door – the last two photos – meant as a threat or warning who knows. Who was it? Who knows? It was my daughter who opened the door and saw it first. The affect was the opposite to what was intended for sure. The environment is our future and we must work to safeguard it today. This was the gift left on my front door, the coward who left it never identified himself. It was my daughter who opened the door to see this first. Whatever the desired effect of this gift did not work. Now as you leave the keys to the washroom on the desk for the final time John Wilkinson I want to say that I don't know you on a personal level. All that I have brought to you has been in your official capacity no less than to Gerretsen or Broten before you. Without the cooperation of our governments it is a more difficult task to protect our water, our air and our land for the future. How do we convince you of that? It is more than money today that is of greatest importance. To you John Wilkinson I wish you well. Let's see who's next. Wainfleet Lies Hi, John I know you dumped me off your friends list on Facebook as the truth is far too difficult for you and your government, heck even bringing in David Suzuki didn't really help. It's a shame that you as the Liberal government had to taint his long career with such a blatant association. Still I have another serious question here, it is a more detailed report on what was permitted by your Liberal led Ministry of the Environment, though before you took the hot seat. Facebook after all has limitations and a shorter attention span, the details are not pretty John. I know you'll ignore them as will David Suzuki but the questions remain. Station Road Wainfleet was a landfill located only minutes from Lake Erie and public beaches, and I mean literally only minutes. The geology of Wainfleet allows the melting snows and rain together with sadly the contaminates, reach the lake with efficient ease. Simply look at the number of public warnings with local beaches over E-coli due to leakages of septic tank systems in the area. Station Road Wainfleet was a sensitive landfill with a great need of care given as to what could be dumped there. An interview with landfill staff confirmed that. A brownfield redevelopment site at 344 Glendale Ave in St. Catharines, publicly confirmed on the CBC in an interview on July 3rd 2007 and in the local newspaper that the soil was heavily soaked with mercury, lead, arsenic and copper by the developer. The Regional Municipality of Niagara provided approval and free dumping to the developer in Wainfleet. Mr. Rich Vickers Manager of the Niagara Ministry of Environment not only had little care he stated that it was up to the “generator to classify their waste.” From this excavation 5000 tonnes of the contaminated soil was dumped at Wainfleet. I delivered a flyer to area residents warning of what had been dumped into their proverbial backyard. The Region of Niagara responded with their own flyer saying that I had intentionally presented misconceptions, that I lied. Region publicly stated through a spokesperson that the soil consistently tested at 0.0001 mg/l and was safe. Yet within days after the contaminated soil was dumped, fresh topsoil was brought in and spread on top the area where the contaminated soil was dumped. I photographed the bulldozer and the clean brown gardeners' soil and was chased by a pick-up truck which came from inside the gates of the landfill. It was so exciting I felt like James Bond or maybe Jimmy Pond. Still when I questioned the spreading of clean soil over that dumped soil I was told by MOE that it was a common practice to spread soil over paper and debris in landfills to stop the wind from carrying it. Yet it was only contaminated soil that was dumped from the St. Catharines excavation not any form of debris or paper. Groundwater test wells were placed running alongside the Station Road Landfill parallel to Station Road itself. I went into the bush in front of the landfill to full width – not one test well was seen by me. Was the groundwater or any leaching contaminates expected to do the crab act and flow sideways? The position of these test wells was insane. A report commissioned by the Regional Municipality of Niagara in November 2002 titled Wainfleet Groundwater Impact Assessment, prepared by MacViro Consultants Inc. Is an eye opener. The project manager, one Huin Husain, Ph. D, P. Geo I guess we can feel confident in his qualifications. It is the hydrogeology portion of the report that brings to light alarming information. I quote from the report, “Groundwater flow direction is generally toward Lake Erie,” and again, “A groundwater high is also found on Morgan's Point.” As you look at the map ask yourself the question why would the test wells be located parallel of the landfill alongside of Station Road? Look at the location of the high point at Morgan's Point! Now look at the photos of the groundwater test wells. Can you explain any of this Environment Minister John Wilkinson? Can you David Suzuki Ontario Liberal Party environment policy endorser? The recent independent laboratory test results do explain a great deal. Soil and water was tested from an excavation which was only some 60 feet from the soil that was dug and dumped at Wainfleet. A short video shows the original excavation and at the end as the camera pans you can see the carpark and the location of the excavation of 2011. The Region of Niagara claimed test results were consistently showing 0.0001. How was this possible? Look at the test results from 2011. What was really dumped at Wainfleet? How much has leached into Lake Erie? How dangerous were the contaminates in true fact? How was the Regional Municipality of Niagara allowed to do this? Most alarming what role did the Niagara office of the Ministry of Environment have in this, and why? I provided all the evidence and all the facts to the former Minister of the Environment John Gerretsen. No response at all! At the time St. Catharines' Mayor Brian McMullan was fully aware of the environmental investigations, in fact I have a letter from him telling me the City of St. Catharines was co-operating fully with the MOE investigation. Mayor Brian McMullan also sits on the regional municipal council and the Public Works Committee of the Niagara Region. Currently Mayor Brian McMullan is the Canadian Chair of the Great Lakes St. Lawrence Cities Initiative. Politics and environment can never work, it never has. You as the Minister for the Environment (well at least for a short while longer) won't answer anything. This was done under the power of the Ontario Liberal Government and its environmental policy. How do you explain this? The Great Lakes are our most important resource more valuable than the Alberta Oil Sands. You and your government stood idle as this was permitted to be done. These photos show the placement of groundwater test wells running parallel to the fence of Station Road Landfill and parallel to Station Road. I went into the bush in front of Station Road Landfill, not one groundwater test well as seen only this PVC pipe with a loose PVC top. Fresh topsoil brought in only days after the contaminated soil from 344 Glendale Ave. St. Catharines was dumped. This fresh topsoil was spread by bulldozers and only over the area where the contaminated soil was dumped. Contradictions to the MOE Guide to Eating Ontario Sport Fish 2011-2012 You have said that Ontario will become a dirtier place if you are not returned to government. Is deceit dirty or not? Are we to trust in a public official when questions of truth arise? As you travel your riding seeking trust and votes expressing your achievements in office I have a question for you. I have read your Guide to Eating Ontario Sport Fish 2011-2012. In addition to this report I have also read another, Detection of the Spatiotemporal Trends of Mercury in Lake Erie Fish Communities: A Bayesian Approach. True some of the technical data in this one was a touch challenging to fathom yet an eye opener never the less. The latter report was compiled by people from the University of Toronto; Departments of Physical and Environmental Sciences and the Centre for Environment together with representatives of both the Ministry of the Environment and Environment Canada. Quite an impressive bunch of people don't you agree? The report was published by ACS Publications, the American Chemical Society in 2011, again a credible group in the scientific world. This report opens with this early statement: “Among the persistent, bioaccummulative, and toxic contaminates, mercury (Hg) is a particular concern in aquatic environments because of its microbial transformation into methylmercury (MeHg) in water and sediments and its subsequent transfer to the higher trophic levels.” Their introduction in the report also states, “Implementation of these regulatory actions {they refer to the Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement(GLWQA) in 1972 and its subsequent revision in 1978} resulted in decreased levels of most contaminates in the Great Lakes environment through the 1980's. However, from the mid-1990's, the decline rates have been reported to be slower, stagnant, or even to have switched to increasing rates in recent years.” Yet the most alarming point is the rather grave warning, “elevated exposure to mercury can affect the nervous system, kidney, liver and reproductive organs of human body. Some notable indices for neuro toxicity in humans include neurole loss, ataxia, visual disturbances, impaired hearing and death.” Wow, an alarming and disturbing warning. This report used methodology that is your own. No not the “dirtier Ontario” thing but “the present study is based on the provincial (Ontario Ministry of Environment OMOE, Canada) skin-off dorsal fillet measurements used for fish consumption advisories, and the federal (Environment Canada, EC) whole fish measurements used to assess overall environmental contamination and risk to fish and fish-consuming wildlife.” So I guess they were on the 'same page' as your MOE. Their conclusion was in the end, simple that they “identified an increasing trend of Thg (total mercury) concentrations in Lake Erie fish becoming particularly evident after the mid-90's” Now my question to you Minister of the Environment Wilkinson. In your Guide to Eating Ontario Sport Fish 2011-2012 on page 19 you show a pie chart for Lake Erie. Ministry of Environment states that the “majority of restrictions are caused by PCB's,” and you show mercury as only at 2%. Have you not identified the increasing trend of total mercury concentrations in Lake Erie fish? Over the past four years I have documented alarming instances of contaminates being dumped that potentially harm the overall environment and our lake waters. The dumping of some 5000 tonnes of contaminated soil from a brownfield site at the Wainfleet Station Road Landfill. Soil that was contaminated with mercury, lead, arsenic and copper. Station Road landfill only minutes from Lake Erie a sensitive landfill site, even staff of the landfill interviewed and recorded as saying that great concern had to be considered as to what was allowed to be dumped there. A recent ECO (Environmental Commissioner of Ontario) investigation request regarding a property in Wainfleet where tonnes of asphalt had been dumped, your MOE said the owner was building a road! It is an agricultural property! Now new information on another property, again in Wainfleet. This time residents brought to my attention what they called a “horror, a waste dump.” I photographed a small portion of this hell. In the photos hundreds of tires, rusting metal, concrete and what appears to be a huge tank not dissimilar to what is used by gas stations. All of this dumped in the open. The potential environmental harm and contamination beyond belief. Our Great Lakes, our natural treasure, one that sustains not only our communities but that of our neighbours in the US are under attack. No one can deny this, not even you Minister Wilkinson. Time and time again our governments permit the contaminates to spread their tenticles into the Great Lakes, whether pumped directly through run-off sewers (look at the preceeding photos on your page of this blog) or dumped and buried. In the end it is the Great Lakes that face threat and the very sustainability of our future. The apparent contradictions of your MOE official guide and the published report by the American Chemical Society disturbing only raising more questions. These photos are of a property in Wainfleet 50 acres of waste material dumped including hundreds of tires, tonnes of asphalt even a huge tank from a service station. What will MOE do about this? The Wainfleet Township is fully aware and have done nothing. The proximity of Lake Erie and the hydrogeology of the Wainfleet area present high potential risk. The Ombudsman of Ontario has investigated John Wilkinson's Ministry of the Environment for breach of its own legislation during an environmental investigation. It so happens the small business, Sun Collision and its owner Sam Demita in St. Catharines, buried asphalt and tires, yep Minister Wilkinson just like the one's you used as a prop. Sam Demita filled in a massive section of a natural ravine, created flooding into an established neighbourhood, damaged homes and lives. All of this without any permits and full protection of the City of St. Catharines. I even have a letter from a Niagara Escarpment Commissioner Enforcement Officer to confirm. Sam Demita did this by burying asphalt, tires and concrete with re-bar, all considered as waste material, all prohibited by the Ontario Regulation #347 of the EPA. Sam Demita as owner of Sun Collision, a smash repair business didn't know he couldn't bury old tires? Hell he should of asked Minister Wilkinson then. Evidence provided to the Environmental Commissioner prompted an investigation. I quote from EPA, “Under Ontario Regulation #347 certain waste materials, including tires and asphalt, cannot be buried or used as fill, whether or not an adverse effect is proven. Waste asphalt is regulated as a waste whether or not an adverse effect is proven unless it meets the exemption criteria in Sections 3(2)17 or 3(2)18 of O. Reg. 347.” Relatively simple and clear. You cannot bury this stuff it is damned dangerous. In the March 3rd 2010 report from Ministry of the Environment it makes it clear Sam Demita and Sun Collision were caught burying the tires, asphalt and concrete with re-bar. Now forward to February 16th 2011 and another Ministry of the Environment report. I quote directly from the report: “In accordance with ministry policy, the file was not referred to Investigation and Enforcement Branch as there was no indication of adverse effect and the company complied with the Director's Order.” So it is “ministry policy” not to enforce its own regulations or legislation. No penalties, no action taken according to “ministry policy”. That is why the Ombudsman has investigated your ministry Minister Wilkinson. It was the MOE who introduced EP's to streamline the penalty process. Environmental Penalties were supposed to decrease the need of lengthy prosecutions. But the reality is something else isn't it Minister Wilkinson. Minister Wilkinson says that Ontario will become “a dirtier place” without Dalton and John Wilkinson at the helm of the environment and our future. Sorry Minister Wilkinson you can't sweep the facts under Dalton McGuinty's office rug or hide it inside those empty paint cans. This is only one example with the Ombudsman Investigation of the Ministry of the Environment for breach of its own legislation. I have the evidence on many more and would challenge you Minister Wilkinson, Dalton's 'MR. FIX-IT', to answer questions in public. The evidence I have is not anything you want public. The environment, our future and that we bequeath our children and grandchildren is in absolute peril under a Dalton McGuinty and Minister Wilkinson control. After 12 investigation applications approved by the Environmental Commissioner of Ontario in less than four years I can prove the true motivations of this government. Ontario has become “a dirtier place,” and you have done this quietly and under smoke screens. The Ombudsman investigation brought a result that was not surprising. In their explanation the investigator explained the response he got from the Ministry of the Environment and one can only laugh at it. It appears that a businessman who contravened, intentionally buried waste material such as asphalt and tires, mind you he operates a smash repair business, only had done this for the first time so no penalties were considered necessary. A Ministry of the Environment report with the words, “as per ministry policy...,” was ignored, excused away. No monitoring of clean-up was conducted and no monitoring of instructions handed down after the investigation. But then he was a good boy and had not done this before. In a photo-op you claimed how Ontario will become a dirtier place if you are not returned to office. I can tell you that it has become just that since your time in office. How many penalties; environmental penalties, have been issued by the MOE since Minister Broten fanfare forced in the Clean Water Act? How many offenders who have intentionally discharged contaminated material into our waterways have in fact even faced investigation? I alone have four separate contraventions with photographic evidence that were not even investigated. Answer the challenge Minister Wilkinson and answer my questions publicly. Description of Evidence You are a hypocrite and a liar if you claim Ontario will become a dirtier place under a Conservative or NDP government. Maybe you should of used the legislative building men's room for a photo-op backdrop instead because you and your government have flushed our environmental legislation. A pump and pump line secured into a parking lot run-off sewer at a Brownfield excavation site 344 Glendale Ave. St. Catharines. Pump line secured into the parking lot run-off sewer pumping contaminated water from a Brownfield excavation site. The run-off sewers eventually empty into Lake Ontario. The black soil visible of the wall of the excavation, pump line extending down into the pit. Pump and pump line hidden from sight by parked vehicles at the excavation site 344 Glendale Ave. St. Catharines, only some 30 feet from the kitchen doors of the Keg Restaurant. The black contaminated soil visible in the wall of the excavation pit, green contaminated water that was pumped into the run-off sewer. Large drums with severe rust, seals broken appear to be unearthed during the excavation. What was in the drums or where they came from unknown, where were they dumped again unknown. These photos show an excavation only some 20 feet from a KEG Restaurant on Glendale Avenue in St. Catharines. The drums appear to have been dug up in the excavation. What's in them who knows, or what was as you can see the seals are broken. Photos show the colour of water, the rainbow on the water, pump and pump lines and a parking lot run-off sewer. Now look at the colour of this only about 8 to 10 feet away! Independent laboratory test results a shock! Your local MOE has to be aware! A Harvey's hamburger joint and Swiss Chalet are to open on top of this! Hungry Minister Wilkinson? More to come to quench your thirst of spitting out predictions of dirt etc... Continuation of the excavation at 344 Glendale Ave. the soil black, highly contaminated, the water black with rainbow over it, shale dumped several truck loads to soak and cover the contamination. The water black highly contaminated, a grease stain or rainbow effect sitting on the surface indicates oil, diesel or petroleum. Shale soaking mixing with the black water and soil, the rainbow seen across all surfaces. The black soil and water with the visible rainbow on its surface soaked by shale had to have been disposed of in some fashion, the frightening question is how and where. Continuation of excavation at 344 Glendale Ave. St. Catharines. The soil alarming in colour, the water equally so and with a rainbow across its surface, shale had been dumped by several dump trucks to soak this black contaminated water. In time this contaminated soil was removed to a landfill one has to question the documentation provided and what landfill did this contaminated soil find itself dumped in. A burger joint and chicken restaurant are being developed on top of this contamination. Independent Laboratory Test Results Water and soil test results from the excavation at 344 Glendale Ave. St. Catharines. Huge amounts of asphalt dumped on an agricultural property O' Riellys Road Wainfleet. This is a property where the owner rents it for commercial soy bean planting with drainage ditches both sides of the property that eventually link to Lake Erie. Mass of asphalt designated as waste material under the EPA Ontario Regulation #347 dumped and buried on a property zoned agricultural in Wainfleet Ontario. Earth moving equipment burying the asphalt on an agricultural property, local residents witnessed dozens upon dozens upon dump truck loads of material dumped on this property. The Environmental Commissioner of Ontario ordered an investigation after my application had been accepted and local MOE saw nothing wrong! A private property at O' Riellys and Forks Road with massive dumping of asphalt. The Environmental Commissioner of Ontario ordered an investigation for the dumping of waste material. Local drains provide passage for endangered species of fish which can be put at risk with the run-off from the dumped waste material. Local MOE decided that nothing was wrong they noted the owner was building a road. Crushed asphalt may be used as a base material for the building of roads, parking areas and driveways the evidence here proves huge chunks of asphalt dumped and buried. This property is zoned agricultural, rented to a farmer who has soy bean crop growing. The owner also wishes to sever parcels of land for residential construction. Asphalt is buried in large amounts on this property. Lake Erie is potentially under threat as the geology of Wainfleet assists leaching towards the lake. The Federal Auditor General and Commissioner for Environmental Sustainability has ordered the Federal Departments of Environment, Health and Fisheries and Oceans to conduct an investigation. Excavation site Glendale Ave. redevelopment of a Brownfield by Rankin Construction for a Sobeys Supermarket. The water in this pit again with heavy rainbow on the surface indicating contamination from oil, gasoline, or diesel. Pump pump lines four days of pumping which gives an indication of volume of water and the contaminated water again pumped in to a run-off sewer. Contaminated water with the rainbow on the surface, pump line from an excavation development site for Sobeys Supermarket on Glendale Ave. St. Catharines. This water was pumped into a run-off sewer eventually ending up in Lake Ontario. Pump lines extended to some 100 feet from the pit filled with contaminated water to a run-off sewer grate and the contaminated water pumped over a four day period. Pump line secured by stone over the top of a sewer run-off grate as the contaminated water was pumped over a four day period. Pump line secured over the run-off sewer grate, pumping continued for four days, local MOE came when the pumping was complete, pump lines rolled and removed. Photos of an excavation, again on Glendale Avenue St. Catharines simply on the other side of the road to the first. Here the water shows a heavy rainbow on the surface. Our City of St. Catharines staff aware and the pumps and pump lines laid, operated and supervised by RANKIN Construction staff. This is part of the Sobey's Supermarket site now in operation. Test results from an independent laboratory attached. MOE local 'super' investigators came after all the water was pumped. Independent Laboratory Test Results Water samples tested from excavation site redevelopment of a Brownfield for Sobeys Supermarket Original excavation site at 344 Glendale Ave. St. Catharines, a Brownfield former use by Domtar Paper Mills. Mercury identified as a major contaminate excavation pit 20+ feet depth with 55+ feet diameter. Water filled to three quarter level pumps and pump lines brought in, road side run-off sewer smashed with sledge hammers and the water pumped on three separate occasions. Floor of the excavation heavy discolouration of the soil, mercury identified as the major contaminate. Water was pumped from this huge pit on three separate occasions into a run-off sewer on Glendale Ave., potentially 500,000 gallons of mercury contaminated water was pumped into the sewer and in the end Lake Ontario. Original excavation site of June 2006 the owner of the property admitted in 2007 of the illegal pumping of hundreds of thousands of gallons of contaminated water directly into a run-off sewer. This is a developer who has won awards as the developer of the year for Brownfield re-use and no action taken against him at all local MOE claimed they were not sure if the water was contaminated. A report issued by ACS Publications in 2011 titled Detection of the Spationtemporal Trends of Mercury in Lake Erie Fish Communities: A Bayesian Approach states, "Amoung the persistent, bioaccumulative, and toxic contaminants, mercury (Hg) is a particular concern in aquatic environments because of its microbial transformation into methylmercury (MeHg) in water and sediments and its subsequent transfer to the higher trophic levels." The report further states,"Elevated exposure to mercury can affect the nervous system, kidney, liver, and reproductive organs of human body. Some notable indices for neurotoxicity in humans include neuronal loss, atazia, visual disturbances, impaired hearing, and death." This was page three of a report signed by Bill Bardswick Director West Central Region on MOE letterhead after 2 years of testing, read the highlighted section. It was your government's Minister Broten as Minister for the Environment who bragged about the toughest environmental laws in North America to protect our water supply, our greatest natural resource. Had enough yet? Face me in public on any of this? I didn't think so. These contraventions here in St. Catharines are a few that I have witnessed and recorded. ALL APPROVED FOR INVESTIGATION BY THE ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSIONER OF ONTARIO. All in the municipality of Mayor Brian McMullan. All development blessed and supported by the Municipality of St. Catharines and the Regional Municipality of Niagara. Mayor Brian McMullan is the current Chairman of the Canadian half of the Great Lakes Cities Initiative! I love your pose here, hands locked together head cocked up at the proper angle, I guess to avoid the smell of the paint cans and old tires, just like a good innocent school boy. A DIRTIER ONTARIO? IN THE HANDS OF BROTEN, GERRETSEN, WILKINSON AND McGUINTY.............. A DEFINITE YES. Add your comments: |