Saturday, 27 August 2011

Minister John Wilkinson

Minister John Wilkinson, Minister for the Environment and 'Mr. Fix-it' for the McGuinty government. Minister Wilkinson on June 24th 2011 warned that Ontario will become a “dirtier place” if the Conservatives take power after this election. In the hands of Wilkinson, his predecessors Broten and Gerretsen, and their boss McGuinty Ontario has become a “dirtier place”.

All the hard evidence provided on Minister for the Environment John Wilkinson's page proves an alarming trend that the Liberal government has initiated. Their very own legislation that they have made law is not enforced. After Walkerton a great deal of finger pointing has made the Liberals feel sanctimonious. Yet the legislation brought into law, Bill 43, the Clean Water Act only a farce. The McGuinty Liberals will not get in the way of business and the environment has paid the price. Our Environmental Commissioner of Ontario has no authority. Countless examples of intentional release of contaminates into Lake Ontario have gone without penalty. Clear and hard evidence ignored. Municipalities thirst for development and the dollars that it brings. Environmental laws are only a burden and are ignored. Yet the price is going to be enormous.

Investigations approved by the Environmental Commissioner of Ontario only look good on paper, even though the ECO uses very strict criteria to review each application. The Environmental Protection Act has strict rules on the removal and dumping of waste material such as asphalt and tires. Yet contravenors are simply allowed to walk away without any penalties. Developers and businessmen do as they please in not only bending all environmental legislation but breaking it without fear of consequence.

Minister for the Environment John Wilkinson's page provides alarming evidence; photographic even independent laboratory test results. After seeing all of this no one can accept Minister Wilkinson's warning of “Ontario will become a dirtier place,” it is clear that it has become a dirtier place in the hands of the McGuinty government.

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