Saturday, 27 August 2011

Minister James Bradley

Minister for Community Safety and Correctional Services James (the Rock) Bradley. Here arrogance supersedes everything. Minister Jim Bradley not only ignores is duties and responsibilities but he protects a political pal form any consequences after serious breach of the Municipal Act.

Minister Jim Bradley prior to being moved to the Community Safety & Correctional Services ministry was the Minister for Municipal Affairs. In St. Catharines Mayor Brian McMullan decided to use his power and authority to breach the Municipal Act and fix a lawful by-law fine. No mayor has that power or authority, not only is it breach of the Municipal Act it is breach of Oath of Office and perjury. Minister Jim Bradley not only protected his pal Mayor McMullan from any consequence in sheer arrogance only months later made a financial contribution to pal Mayor McMullan's re-election campaign. Premier McGuinty called Minister Jim Bradley a rock for the years of political experience. We know the history of Minister Bradley, he jumped ship from one political party to another. The true measure of a rock? Well maybe a pebble or gum on the sidewalk on a hot day. As Minister for Municipal Affairs Minister Bradley was responsible for the enforcement of the Municipal Act. It is only arrogance that motivated his actions and nothing else. Click onto Minister for Community Safety and Correctional Services James Bradley's page and view all the documents.

Minister Bradley was then moved to the Community Safety and Correctional Services ministry, also pseudo Solicitor General, responsible for enforcement of the Police Services Act. Evidence was brought both to him and to Premier McGuinty of police falsifying official police records. Hard proof of Niagara Regional Police officers lying on police incident reports, even voice recordings of the police officers (all available on provided. The situation that revolves around the Niagara Regional Police, the false police records also involves a fixed municipal election and Minister Bradley's pal Mayor McMullan. It is not a lighthearted set of circumstances. Yet again 'the Rock' Jim Bradley shows his true metal.

How can we afford any more of this?

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