Saturday, 27 August 2011

Minister Harinder Takhar

Minister for Government Services Harinder Takhar a gem. Here a minister of the McGuinty government has another minister, a colleague advise that a family under massive stress contact him as the issues were his, Minister Takhar's responsibility. At the time Minister for Municipal Affairs Minister John Watson put it in writing, all available on the Minister for Government Services Harinder Takhar's page.

A family under threat and harassment about to lose their home, pleas for help, bearing and unbearable stress on all members of the family. Minister John Watson (former Municipal Affairs & Housing ministry) advises in writing that the responsibility for the issues are that of his colleague Minister Harinder Takhar. This minister does not even respond in any way. Three separate letters were sent by Priority Mail by the family. All is available to view on Minister for Government Services page. Not one single word came in response from Minister Harinder Takhar.

At this time Minister Harinder Takhar is out into the community telling people to trust him and his motives to be in government. Minister Harinder Takhar is only presenting a fraudulent lie as a campaign. But then which of the McGuinty ministers can we trust. Minister Wilkinson and his threats of a dirtier Ontario? Look at all the evidence of the Liberal Environment Ministers and how they have handled even their own legislation to protect our greatest asset the Great Lakes. Or look at any other environmental protection legislation to ensure a clean and sustainable future. Maybe we can trust Minister James Bradley who protects a political pal Mayor Brian McMullan of St. Catharines against all consequences for breach of the Municipal Act and Municipal Elections Act. Mayor McMullan not only fixed a lawful by-law fine, fixed a municipal election with the help of the local newspaper The St. Catharines Standard and the Niagara Regional Police (everything on but also accepted multiple maximum amounts of campaign contributions from the same contributor. Minister James Bradley protected a corrupt political pal and even contributed financially to his campaign. Maybe it's Minister Bartolucci that we should trust and his respect for the most basic ingredient of democracy. Then there's Minister for Health Matthews' extolling the benefits of the Excellent Care for All Act 2010, a death toll at 38 innocent victims in the Niagara Region before Minister Matthews finally takes action. Then there is Premier Dalton McGuinty a man who really knows how to work together. Taking responsibility for nothing, issuing only stamped generic notices and then telling us the people of Ontario how much he has done.

Click on these pages - 

Look at all the evidence compiled and ask the question loud and clear how can we afford much more of this. Demand answers. It is our Ontario, our Canada and our future that is at stake, do not ignore the facts.


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Minister Rick Bartolucci

Minister for Municipal Affairs and Housing Rick Bartolucci, responsible for the enforcement of the Municipal Act and the Municipal Elections Act. The basis of a democratic society is its right to vote, to choose the government that represents the interests of the overall community. True the administration of any level of government is not easy, yet those who ask for our vote and trust have responsibility that cannot be waived in any way. Well that's the theory anyhow. Now the reality and the McGuinty style of government.

Minister Rick Bartolucci had information provided that very serious breaches of the Ontario Municipal Elections Act had been committed in St. Catharines. Our rules, our laws that govern proper procedure for the election process are in place for specific reasons. It is to safeguard the most important ingredient of the democratic process. When intentional breaches of those rules occur than action must be taken, and taken swiftly. Minister Bartolucci decided that the responsibility for the safeguard of democratic law was up to the citizen to enforce not his nor the government.

A candidate in full breach of the Municipal Elections Act and its conditions on candidacy was permitted to take part in the local municipal election in St. Catharines. This according to Minister Bartolucci was not his responsibility, after all he is only responsible for the enforcement of the Municipal Elections Act. The evidence of candidates receiving multiple contributions from the same contributor over the maximum amount was provided. Mind you breach of this part of the Municipal Elections Act can bring very stiff fines even jail terms as a penalty. Here again Minister Bartolucci found that it was up to the citizen to enforce. If only it was true that a citizen could impose jail time for crooked politicians, now that would be utopia. Premier Dalton McGuinty was made aware of all as well.

Finally Minister Rick Bartolucci received information of intentional and multiple breaches of the campaign funding regulations within the Municipal Elections Act by one candidate Mayor Brian McMullan of St. Catharines. Serious irregularities by the local Niagara Region Audit Committee. Minster Bartolucci's response needs to be seen to be believed, click onto Minister for Municipal Affairs and Housing Rick Bartolucci's page for all the details.

Prior to taking the seat warmed by Minister Bradley, Minister Bartolucci was Minister for Correctional Services. Police corruption, police threatening innocent people was not anything he was even willing to talk about, even after the Ontario's Attorney General's office advised to contact him. The G20 Summit and the horrendous butchery of democratic rights and torture of innocent human beings by police is not a real shock after all. Simply look at who is in government – Dalton McGuinty who makes secret deals with the police and a succession of Ministers such as Bartolucci and Bradley.  

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Minister James Bradley

Minister for Community Safety and Correctional Services James (the Rock) Bradley. Here arrogance supersedes everything. Minister Jim Bradley not only ignores is duties and responsibilities but he protects a political pal form any consequences after serious breach of the Municipal Act.

Minister Jim Bradley prior to being moved to the Community Safety & Correctional Services ministry was the Minister for Municipal Affairs. In St. Catharines Mayor Brian McMullan decided to use his power and authority to breach the Municipal Act and fix a lawful by-law fine. No mayor has that power or authority, not only is it breach of the Municipal Act it is breach of Oath of Office and perjury. Minister Jim Bradley not only protected his pal Mayor McMullan from any consequence in sheer arrogance only months later made a financial contribution to pal Mayor McMullan's re-election campaign. Premier McGuinty called Minister Jim Bradley a rock for the years of political experience. We know the history of Minister Bradley, he jumped ship from one political party to another. The true measure of a rock? Well maybe a pebble or gum on the sidewalk on a hot day. As Minister for Municipal Affairs Minister Bradley was responsible for the enforcement of the Municipal Act. It is only arrogance that motivated his actions and nothing else. Click onto Minister for Community Safety and Correctional Services James Bradley's page and view all the documents.

Minister Bradley was then moved to the Community Safety and Correctional Services ministry, also pseudo Solicitor General, responsible for enforcement of the Police Services Act. Evidence was brought both to him and to Premier McGuinty of police falsifying official police records. Hard proof of Niagara Regional Police officers lying on police incident reports, even voice recordings of the police officers (all available on provided. The situation that revolves around the Niagara Regional Police, the false police records also involves a fixed municipal election and Minister Bradley's pal Mayor McMullan. It is not a lighthearted set of circumstances. Yet again 'the Rock' Jim Bradley shows his true metal.

How can we afford any more of this?

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Minister John Wilkinson

Minister John Wilkinson, Minister for the Environment and 'Mr. Fix-it' for the McGuinty government. Minister Wilkinson on June 24th 2011 warned that Ontario will become a “dirtier place” if the Conservatives take power after this election. In the hands of Wilkinson, his predecessors Broten and Gerretsen, and their boss McGuinty Ontario has become a “dirtier place”.

All the hard evidence provided on Minister for the Environment John Wilkinson's page proves an alarming trend that the Liberal government has initiated. Their very own legislation that they have made law is not enforced. After Walkerton a great deal of finger pointing has made the Liberals feel sanctimonious. Yet the legislation brought into law, Bill 43, the Clean Water Act only a farce. The McGuinty Liberals will not get in the way of business and the environment has paid the price. Our Environmental Commissioner of Ontario has no authority. Countless examples of intentional release of contaminates into Lake Ontario have gone without penalty. Clear and hard evidence ignored. Municipalities thirst for development and the dollars that it brings. Environmental laws are only a burden and are ignored. Yet the price is going to be enormous.

Investigations approved by the Environmental Commissioner of Ontario only look good on paper, even though the ECO uses very strict criteria to review each application. The Environmental Protection Act has strict rules on the removal and dumping of waste material such as asphalt and tires. Yet contravenors are simply allowed to walk away without any penalties. Developers and businessmen do as they please in not only bending all environmental legislation but breaking it without fear of consequence.

Minister for the Environment John Wilkinson's page provides alarming evidence; photographic even independent laboratory test results. After seeing all of this no one can accept Minister Wilkinson's warning of “Ontario will become a dirtier place,” it is clear that it has become a dirtier place in the hands of the McGuinty government.

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Premier Dalton McGuinty

Premier Dalton McGuinty, leader of the Provincial Liberal Party as quoted from the premier's website: “I often say that Ontario works best when we work together.” Here we ask Premier McGuinty how have we worked together?

Time and time again as you approach Premier McGuinty his response is simple, to shift the responsibility to someone else. As you view all the documents on the Dalton McGuinty page of it will become clear that our Premier McGuinty has a serious problem with credibility. When Canadians had their basic democratic right to freedom of speech trampled by police during the G20 Summit of 2010 Dalton McGuinty blamed the Prime Minister. According to him Ontario Police brought in from all jurisdictions were not his responsibility. In the Niagara Region 38 innocent human beings has lost their lives in a horrific outbreak. Our own Niagara Health System struggled and still is struggling in its ability to control the situation. Through months of this horror, people in fear of entering a hospital for basic tests, some of the most vulnerable in our community those that are ill left without any confidence in their Health System, McGuinty stayed quiet. Only the approaching election raised the need in Premier McGuinty's mind to bring any action.

Premier McGuinty takes no responsibility for anything, not for the environment or the fact his government does not enforce its own environmental legislation. The Municipal Elections Act and Municipal Act only a piece of paper for doodling in the hands of McGuinty and his ministers.

Click on the Dalton McGuinty page to view all the documentation and then ask yourself the question, how can we afford more of this?

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Tuesday, 23 August 2011

I am not a Conservative nor NDP. I am not endorsing the policies of either. I am Independent, an Independent Canadian. My concerns are for Canada and our province of Ontario where my children were born. It is the future that we put in motion today that is of greatest importance. The motivation behind this blog is to publicly ask questions of Ministers who refuse to respond to letters, even pleas for help. Ministers who have long forgotten in their arrogance that in the end they are only public servants, elected to serve the greater good, and that Queen's Park is not a version of Olympus. What I raise as questions here is supported with documentation and fact. I welcome any response from any of the ministers, though I am not holding my breath. I more than welcome anyone from the public, the people who have the real power to make a change, to comment or add their own questions to those in power and who are asking for our trust and our vote. Whether you are a member of any political party or ideology, or if you are like me, all are welcome.

Premier Dalton McGuinty opens his government's web with these words: “Where the talking stops and the actions start.”

Your words Premier McGuinty? I have to ask you Premier McGuinty what actions have you or your ministers taken? Each of the ministers questioned here ignored not only his responsibilities but even in the case of Minister Takhar even ignored the pleas for help after one of his colleagues former Minister Watson put it in writing that the issue was his responsibility. Yet in every case Premier McGuinty you were made aware of the situation as well. You knew what was happening and did nothing. Those words of yours are a lie Premier McGuinty.

Most recently all of Canada and the World, not only Ontario and Toronto, have watched in horror the brutality and abuse of power by police at the G20 Summit of 2010. We saw where your “actions start”, you blamed the Prime Minister for the horrors. Nothing to do with the secret legislation you and your bunch provided the police with. I guess that's how democracy works under your government. Ontario is your province, police from all over Ontario were represented, even some from the Niagara Regional Police Service. Your Province! Your cops! Your responsibility!

Now you have been made aware of another horrific act by the Niagara Regional Police. Both you and Minister Bradley have been provided with all the facts. Police have lied on official records, on police incident reports. It is the responsibility of Minister Bradley to enforce the Police Services Act, all of the evidence is public through What are your “actions” to be here?

Ministry of the Environment and your “MR. FIX-IT” Minister Wilkinson as Minister for the Environment were under investigation by the Ombudsman of Ontario. The Ministry of the Environment breached its own legislation, the ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION ACT ONTARIO REGULATION #347, during an investigation ordered by the Environmental Commissioner of Ontario.

Where the talking stops and the actions start”
Now the ministerial roll-call...