Wednesday, 5 October 2011


Are we ready for this? October 6 2011 Ontario Provincial Election. Who out of the three do we pick and why? There is Dalton McGuinty and his Liberals. Famous for avoiding the truth and never willing to take responsibility for anything. Dalton used David Suzuki in an attempt to bolster his public image in particular relating to the Liberal Environmental policy. But then backed out of the deal on power generation and the reduction of coal as a primary power generator. The Conservatives headed by Tim Hudak, rather vague on policy or a true platform. Many promises made, though we're used to that game. How different would Tim Hudak and the Conservatives be for Ontario? After all they talk of privatization in health care. Can we as Canadians accept anything of the sort? Finally there is Andrea Horwath and the NDP. Not so shabby in a debate but what would she be like in the hot seat? Some say better the devil you know then the one you don't. Yet it will be another four years before we have a chance to change our minds. We have no power, no ability to even hold any of them accountable after we make that choice.

No recommendations, no guesses only hesitation. One thing though I do know and that is whoever should win the election this blog will stand watch. It is the people of Ontario who come first. It is our future that we are about to trust each one of you with.

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